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How this project came to be

I found a letter in a book...


     Years ago, at the public library, I found a letter in a book.

It was short, handwritten, and from a set of parents to their adult child.


      It said things like "We're so proud of you," and "We're here if you need us," and "We know you can do this."


     It hit me right in the heart, as though I were the one receiving that letter

from my parents. 

It made me realize how I longed to hear my parents say those things to me. 

I could think of friends with whom I wanted to share the letter,

knowing that they longed to hear those words, too.


     I will never forget the feeling in my chest when I read that simple letter. 



We can't know how our letter may heal someone else.


     I have had many experiences while doing work to heal the wounded places inside, in which I have spoken with my inner child, learning to reparent her.


     No mother, no matter how good, can provide for every need of her children.  Life is complex, and we may grow up with places that ache for words of encouragement, support, respect, expressions of regret,

and acknowledgement of pain suffered.


     At any stage of our journey we can write those words to ourselves.

We can mother the parts of us

that still yearn to hear those words, and say them to our own inner children with all the love and compassion our younger selves needed.


     I have found this type of work deeply healing,

and have written many letters to my younger selves. 

I have seen how this helps create a safer foundation inside of me,

and how it brings me closer to my own mother.

I have seen how this helps me feel more safe with

my primary relationships,

and my own daughter.

This safety allows me an experience of

peace, healing, and deeper connection.

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